Hi! I'm Lukasz Sterczewski, an assistant professor (adiunkt)
at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology in Poland.

This webpage is devoted to my EU-funded project entitled "Computationally-enhanced molecular sensing using optical frequency combs" (CEMoS-OFC), whose objective was to develop novel spectroscopic systems and techniques exploiting optical frequency combs.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101027721.
Project duration: December 1, 2021 – November 30, 2023. Received funding: 149 625,60 EUR.
Beneficiary: Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland.


Please find the list of publications related to the project published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conference presentations below.
Disclaimer: Manuscripts here are for non-commercial, educational or personal use only and are not intended for mass dissemination or copying.
My academic profiles:


  1. J. Boguslawski, L. A. Sterczewski, D. Stachowiak, and G. Sobon, "Intracavity filtering in SESAM mode-locked fiber lasers: soliton effects and noise performance," Optics Express 31, 27667-27676 (2023). ( pdf ) ( OPG ) ( Supplementary ) ( code & data ) ( ArXiv )
  2. J. Ciazela, J. Bakala, M. Kowalinski, B. Pieterek, M. Steslicki, M. Ciazela, G. Paslawski, N. Zalewska, L. Sterczewski, Z. Szaforz, M. Jozefowicz, D. Marciniak, M. Fitt, A. Sniadkowski, M. Rataj, and T. Mrozek, "Lunar ore geology and feasibility of ore mineral detection using a far-IR spectrometer," Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1190825 (2023). ( pdf ) ( Frontiers ) ( code ) ( ArXiv )
  3. L. A. Sterczewski, and J. Sotor, "Two-photon imaging of soliton dynamics," Nature Communications 14, 3339 (2023). ( pdf ) ( NPG ) ( ArXiv )
  4. L. A. Sterczewski, and M. Bagheri, "Sub-nominal resolution Fourier transform spectrometry with chip-based combs," ArXiv:2303.13074 (2023). ( pdf ) ( ArXiv )
  5. L. A. Sterczewski, M. Fradet, C. Frez, S. Forouhar, and M. Bagheri, "Battery-operated mid-infrared diode laser frequency combs," Laser & Photonics Reviews 17, 2200224 (2023). ( pdf ) ( ArXiv ) ( Wiley ) ( Journal cover )
  6. H. Tian, R. Li, T. Endo, T. Kato, A. Asahara, L. A. Sterczewski, K. Minoshima, "Dual-comb spectroscopy using free-running mechanical sharing dual-comb fiber lasers," Applied Physics Letters 121, 211104, (2022). ( pdf ) ( AIP ) ( ArXiv )
  7. H. Tian, R. Li, L. A. Sterczewski, T. Kato, A. Asahara, K. Minoshima, "Quasi-real-time dual-comb spectroscopy with 750-MHz Yb:fiber combs," Optics Express 30, 28427-28437 (2022). ( pdf ) ( OPG ) ( video ) ( ArXiv )
  8. M. Kowalczyk, L. A. Sterczewski, X. Zhang, V. Petrov, and J. Sotor, "Dual-dispersion-regime dual-comb mode-locked laser," Optics Letters 47, 1762-1765 (2022). ( pdf ) ( code & data ) ( OPG ) ( ArXiv ) ( suppl. )


  1. L. A. Sterczewski, "Battery-operated mid-infrared frequency combs", Closing Conference of the National Laboratory for Photonics and Quantum Technologies (NLPQT) Project, Warsaw, Poland, October 19–20 (2023). ( pdf )
  2. L. A. Sterczewski, "THz radiation – generation, detection, and applications" (invited tutorial), National Laboratory for Photonics and Quantum Technologies (NLPQT) Workshop, Wroclaw, Poland, September 25 (2023). ( pdf )
  3. L. A. Sterczewski, and M. Bagheri, "Broadband high-resolution Fourier spectrometry with chip-scale combs (invited)", IEEE RAPID (Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense) 2023, Miramar Beach, FL, USA, September 11-13 (2023). [Supported by a travel grant by DoD] ( pdf )
  4. L. A. Sterczewski, "Spektroskopia laserowa wykorzystująca półprzewodnikowe grzebienie częstotliwości optycznej (invited) [in Polish]", 48 Zjazd Fizykow Polskich, Gdansk, Poland, September 1-7 (2023). ( pdf )
  5. L. A. Sterczewski, J. Mnich, and J. Sotor, "Multi-Octave THz Wave Generation in PNPA crystal at MHz Repetition Rates", 16th International Conference on Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices (MIOMD 2023), Norman, Oklahoma, USA, August 6-10 (2023). ( pdf )
  6. L. A. Sterczewski, and M. Bagheri, "MHz-Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy with Millimeter-Scale Optical Path Differences", Optica Sensing Congress (2023), Munich, Germany, July 30–August 3 (2023). ( pdf )
  7. L. A. Sterczewski, "Terahercowe grzebienie czestotliwosci optycznych" [in Polish], Polish Optical Conference (PKO), Torun, Poland, July 4 (2023).
  8. L. A. Sterczewski, "Sub-nominal resolution Fourier transform spectrometry with chip-based frequency combs (invited)", Chemical Physics Seminar, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, May 17 (2023).
  9. L. A. Sterczewski, and M. Bagheri, "Breaking the Delay-Resolution Limit of Fourier Transform Spectrometers Using Chip-Scale Combs", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023), San Jose, CA, USA, May 7–12 (2023). ( pdf )
  10. L. A. Sterczewski, and J. Sotor, "Wavelength-Agile Dual-Comb Diagnostics of Pulsed Lasers", Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023), San Jose, CA, USA, May 7–12 (2023). ( pdf )
  11. L. A. Sterczewski, "Two-photon imaging of soliton dynamics (invited)", Optics seminar, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland, April 12 (2023).
  12. L. A. Sterczewski, "Frequency comb spectroscopy – making it compact and power efficient (invited)", Seminar of the Institute of Solid State Electronics, TU Wien, Austria, December 16 (2022).
  13. L. A. Sterczewski et al., "Modal leakage in interband cascade lasers diagnosed using far-field optical profilometry", 9th Workshop on Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lasers, October 2-6 (2022). ( pdf )
  14. L. A. Sterczewski et al., "Korelacja wzajemna intensywności jako nowa metoda diagnostyki laserów impulsowych" (in Polish), XIII Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej STL 2022, Karpacz, Poland, September 19–23 (2022). ( pdf )
  15. L. A. Sterczewski et al., "Szerokopasmowa spektroskopia strat we wnęce optycznej z efektem Verniera wykorzystująca międzypasmowe lasery kaskadowe" (in Polish), XIII Sympozjum Techniki Laserowej STL 2022, Karpacz, Poland, September 19–23 (2022). ( pdf )
  16. L. A. Sterczewski et al., "Chip-Based Mid-Infrared Vernier Spectroscopy (invited)", 2022 Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, Vancouver, Canada, July 11–14 (2022).
  17. L. A. Sterczewski et al., "Frequency modulated comb generation in quantum well laser diodes", 5th International Workshop on Opportunities and Challenges in Mid-infrared Laser-Based Gas Sensing (Mir5ens), Wroclaw, Poland, July 4–6 (2022). ( pdf )
  18. L. A. Sterczewski et al., "Chip-scale mid-infrared spectroscopy using electrically-pumped frequency comb sources (invited)", 11th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS2022), Yokohama, Japan, April 18–21 (2022). ( pdf )
  19. L. A. Sterczewski et al., "Dual-comb generation in a single laser cavity for sensing applications", Integrated Optics - Sensors, Sensing Structures and Methods (IOS'2022), Szczyrk, Poland, February 28 – March 4 (2022). ( pdf )

 Media outreach

Video interviews

  • "Urządzenia terahercowe w kieszeni? Prestiżowy grant na miniaturyzację technologii", Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Youtube, Date: 2023-09-05. ( In Polish )

Journal interviews

  • "TeraERC: o motywacji do przygotowania grantu, trudnych początkach oraz inspiracji w dążeniu do realizacji marzeń naukowych.", HPK, Serwis RP, Date: 2023-12-09. ( Interview [in Polish] )

Research highlights

  • "Prestiżowe granty dla polskich inżynierów. Dostaną 3 mln euro na supernowoczesne badania" [in Polish], National Geographic, Date: 2023-09. ( Nat. Geo. )
  • "Prestigious ERC grant for our scientist" [in EN & PL], WUST, Date: 2023-09. ( WUST EN ) ( WUST PL )
  • "Naukowcy z PWr opracowali nową metodologię diagnostyki laserów impulsowych" [in Polish], Forum Akademickie, Date: 2023-06. ( Forum Akademickie )
  • "Publikacja o solitonach w „Nature Communications”. Jej autorami są naukowcy z W12" [in Polish], WUST, Date: 2023-06. ( WUST/PWr )


  • Our Laser & Photonics Reviews paper is featured on the cover of the January 2023 issue ( Journal cover ). I designed the cover and rendered it in Blender.
  • The university features my research on their Instagram: ( Instagram )

 About CEMos-OFC

Since its inception, laser absorption spectroscopy has become an indispensable analytical technique for environmental monitoring, security, and medical diagnostics applications, particularly in the gas phase.

To address the demand for outdoor air quality monitoring and studies on non-volative organic compounds (NVOCs), the project termed as "Computationally-Enhanced Molecular Sensing using Optical Frequency Combs" (CEMoS-OFC) has been conceived. It aims to leverage recent advances in broadband laser technology for this purpose. Sources of coherert light with broad spectral coverage that consists of thousands of equidistant optical lines known as optical frequency combs (OFC) have shown to be compatible with this vision.

While in a conventional realization, a moving-parts-free implementation of a broadband optical spectrometer to probe air quality requires troublesome control feedback loops, by using digital signal processing (DSP) routines this requirement has been lifted. We have shown that quasi-real-time phase correction of dual-comb signals can be realized on a personal computer with new spectra every 1.5 seconds.

Finally, in contrast to the well-established notion in the laser community that Fourier-transform spectroscopy (utilizing a single laser source rather than two) is not suitable for high-resolution measurements, we have developed a methodology that can boost the resolution of existing FTIR spectrometers (based on a mechanically scanned Michelson interferometer) by hundreds to thousand times. This is possible when one uses chip-scale, electrically-tunable and pumped semiconductor laser frequency combs. The strenght of this technique is that no application-specific instruments have to built. Instead, one can utilize already existing FTIR spectrometers for outdoor measurements with the benefits of chip-scale freqency combs: high beam quality, native operation in the C-H stretch region, low power consumption and now high resolution! MHz-resolution with THz-wide coverage has been demonstrated and is currently limited by the noise properties of the sources with a potential for further improvement.

Findings of this project chart a path towards battery-operated, greatly-simplified spectroscopic monitoring of organic pollutants. Please see the publications tab for more information, or contact me via the contact form below.


Please feel free to contact me: